One of the most common mistakes people make when embarking on a 'rapid journey to fast and furious weight loss' is to move towards starvation, oasting a list of 'off-limit' foods on the fridge, cutting out those unwanted calories. This sounds like a great strategy but it's absolutely the worse choice you may ever make.
Here's why:
1) improper diets slow metabolism
2) #1 triggers your body to burn muscles mass first
3) # 1 and #2 tell your body to spare fat reserves.
Remember, evolution rules but your body won't care whether or not you look great in a bathing suit. Your job is to communicate with your body actions it will understand most, knowing this type of specialized talk involves chemical reactions derived from exercise and food.
Here are 6 leaner body steps you can use today, preserving your muscle:
Step 1) Weight loss must be lasting, cutting calories slightly.
Pick high protein foods first.
Step 2) Toss out junk foods or put them in a cupboard.
Step 3) Lessen calories by drinking water and tea.
Step 4) Exercise several times each week.
Step 5) Exercise pays off . Some days you'll only get 30 minutes. Other days, you'll get more.
Step 6) Alter your mindset.
Mind and body work closely together. If you're not sure how to alter your thoughts, find someone you trust. When you're initially changing your body, it's common to add several pounds of weight in muscle first but until that time, your body will hang onto to excess weight before it burns the fat. So hang in there. To find out more, head to ______________.
Here's To Your Success!
Barbara Brinkmeyer