Hello Fellow Working Moms (and Anyone Else Interested in Solid Health),
When I was working my way through graduate business school, I was surprized to learn female led Fortune 500 companies were outperforming (more on average) traditional firms. The answer to this question had more to do with the way women share power.
But, by looking at some of the things other women do might offer you alternative insight. Change how you view yourself in the mirror and your body will eventually take on that new image. You have to be very patient with yourself and you must be diligent. The goal is to incorporate better ways of thinking about yourself, mastering your food choices over time, then adopting everyday ways to nurture yourself. Don't expect other people to do this for you, said with love. The reality is that you must care for yourself and only you can do this. Never look to another human being for validation. The strength we're talking about resides in you. It has always been you and that power comes from you. It does not emanate from an external force (another human being).
To better understand these powerful women, consider that if you identify with other caring and powerful women (who accept you for who you are unconditionally), then look to these women to see that they may have accomplished what you seek. We're talking about tapping into greater self worth and a powerful self-image, independently of what society defines. This self worth and self image has to be stable, in the face of other people's doubt for it to stick. I call this power the greater self.
So why not take a peek at what some of the Top Female CEO's of Fortune 500's? See what they're doing because they will mirror back to you what's already inside of you!
Click on the link below:
I will be posting updates to help you shed additional weight soon.
Toasting Better Health,
B. Brinkmeyer