Greetings Working Moms,
Offering you a quick post before you submit your final taxes.
If you're in the group of people who have "already done that but have the 2007 tax return t-shirt", congratulations! You reside in a very organized minority.
If you sit in the crisis-driven, wait-til-the-last-minute majority (like me), figuring out it's better to electronically submit your tax return 7 days before the deadline or you'll have to file via paper (because you missed the 48-hour e-filing window), then you're probably in need of a few minor "candy or chocolate pieces". Did you know that the average American eats 25 pounds of chocolate each year?
So what can you do about these cravings?
Garcinia extract can be very effective. You can find it at your local health foods store. I'll be mentioning this fact often in my posts.
If you can't swallow pills, try a high protein meal replacement powder or a low calorie, high protein chocolate bar of some type -- again see your local health foods store. They usually carry a brand high in fiber. It should be free of hydrogenated palm kernel oils or coconut oils because these trans fats are high in saturated fat.
The best bars I've found are Cliff Bars. They're great at staving off chocolate cravings.
If you are diabetic, choose a low blood sugar chocolate mint product. Russell Stover makes a nice product.
In my next post, we'll cover a Salad Recipe, talking about helpful diet tips for this upcoming Spring and Summer, 2008.
To Your Continued Health!